Our certificate programs are offered twice annually. The Certificate in Ecosocial Design (ESD) is available to the general public and the Certificate in Auto-Ethnography and Learning Design is available to anyone who first completes the ESD. Both of these courses are included in our Deep Dive Programs.
Certificate in Ecosocial Design
Next Cohort Begins
October 21st, 2021!
The program consists of 8 Modules, spanning 16 weeks and costing only $540USD. It includes a vast compilation of carefully crafted information, 8 interactive webinars and access to Gaia University community forums.
1. & 2. Creating Regenerative Livelihoods
4 Weeks
4 hours per week + two 90 minute interactive webinars
This course explores how we can generate our own living through creating and developing regenerative enterprises.
3. Managing Time, Managing Promises
2 Weeks
4 hours per week + one 90 minute interactive webinar
We examine managed, flexible promises – commitments that flow with life’s changes, build trust in relationships, and pave the way for livelihood streams requiring transparent accountability.
4. Learning & Unlearning
2 Weeks
4 hours per week + one 90 minute interactive webinar
This course introduces you to a collection of practical theories about action-oriented, self-directed learning.
5. Thinking About Worldviews
2 Weeks
4 hours per week + one 90 minute interactive webinar
We explore the powerful notion that our worldviews are constructed and thus can be changed in ourselves and others.
6. Growing Resilient Communities
2 Weeks
4 hours per week + one 90 minute interactive webinar
An introduction to leading-edge organizational design theories using the field of leadership as the entry point.
7. Project & Design Thinking
2 Weeks
4 hours per week + one 90 minute interactive webinar
Actively un/learn how to take charge of everything inside your sphere of influence and make it work for you.
8. Tracking Your Learning Journey
2 Weeks
4 hours per week + one 90 minute interactive webinar
Learn light and reliable techniques to create a professional portfolio of your learning journey without disrupting the flow of the adventure.

Certificate in Auto-Ethnography and Learning Design
The Certificate in Autoethnography and Learning Design is available upon completion of the Certificate in Ecosocial Design.
It includes 2 intensive learning experiences and access to your ePortfolio for documenting your journey. The modules are supported by readings, activities, live interactive webinars, one-on-one mentoring and advising.
1. Life and Career Review Module
4 Weeks
6-10 hours per week + two 90 minute interactive webinars
Goal: To use your stories, backed up with evidence, to harvest and celebrate your history of learning and unlearning to date
This 2-element module requires you to produce an Output Packet (OP 1a). Formally, the Output Packet is your evidence of Prior Experiential Learning. We invite you to use an auto-ethnographic approach, to which we introduce you in the readings for the element. Your progress through this module will be greatly aided by reference to the forum posts you have made in earlier elements.
2. Learning Intentions and Pathway Design
4 Weeks
6-10 hours per week + two 90 minute interactive webinars
Goal: To bring a sense of deep purpose and focused planning to your coming year, be it personally or for your Gaia U program.
You will use this 2-element module to generate an Output Packet (OP 1b) in which you:
- Develop flexible designs for your intended projects for now, soon and later
- Identify mentors who will provide project support beyond that offered by Gaia U
- Show how your projects will help develop your skill flexes including those to do with generating a livelihood
You return repeatedly to your LIPD for inspiration and reflection.