The Liora Adler Scholarship Fund
Your tax-deductible donation enables inspired innovators and leaders to gain access to the unique training and mentoring that Gaia U provides.
There is no better investment in our collective future than supporting and honing the skills and talents of visionary actionists to manifest “the more beautiful world our hearts know is possible.”
– Charles Eisenstein
The Change Makers
They are courageous, with the stamina to step out of the mainstream, to stretch their personal edges and to make a positive impact on the world.
One project, one village, one town, one nation at a time.

& climate change in rural Cameroon, Africa
“My studies have provided me with an amazing journey with a strategic focus on social entrepreneurship and Agro-ecology. I have grown with the community, benefited from an easy access to expert support and guidance. I have improved my communication, facilitation and networking skill flexes, built a strong support network and optimized my niche in social entrepreneurship and agro-ecological Design. The financial and moral support of many is at the center of this transformation.”

“My life has changed! A new circle began when I became a Gaia U associate. I’ve turned the page and now I’m developing my ecological intelligence as an integrative ecosocial designer. Never before have I had these feelings of connection or this level of consciousness about my acts and thoughts. Gaia U is part of my life and my growth. It is not just a University; it is the solution to the problem.”

“Gaia University has enabled me to broaden my knowledge and hone my skills as a regenerative designer. With the support of an international community, I’m developing a project which is my own living testimonial of permaculture practice. My role in the world is gradually gaining shape and my long term career pathway has begun.”

“Gaia University has been really inspiring! It is empowering me to design a better and healthier lifestyle and learning path, connecting me to a network of like-minded world changers which is absolutely gratifying. I am struck by the level of engagement and meaningful dialogue between the advisers and associates.”

“Coming from a traditional education system where educational institutions are a tool for dis-empowerment and re-production of inequality, Gaia U was for me a gate to a new world of genuine learning, inner transformation, and personal growth. The self-oriented learning path I followed under the diploma program allowed me to design my projects within my local context, which was particularly important in a war-stricken country like Syria. My project choices concentrated on transformation of permaculture-related material into Arabic which I believe is the first step towards spreading this vitally important knowledge in this part of the world.”